Past Sales

Some orders sent out for June 2024

Some orders sent out for June 2024

Thank you to everyone who purchased from me in June 2024.

Order sent out for May 2024

So I missed sending this one out by Royal Mail Special Delivery so I refunded all the postage. They also wanted it sent by first class post to a different address that had no one to sign for it, therefore there is no tracking number for this order.

January 2023 purple plate orders a screenshot of a phone

Some orders sent out for January 2024

Thank you so much to those who ordered when my website came back online.

September 2023 purple plate orders a screenshot of a phone

Some orders sent out for September 2023

These are the orders I sent out before the website went for a redesign and the problems with the back end shut down the site.

August 2023 purple plate orders a screenshot of a phone

Some orders sent out for August 2023

Thank you to everyone who trusted me with your order; August has been a great month.